Susan Boo

Susan Boo (Susana Ilguisonis Boo) was born in Buenos Aires in 1966. In this immense and cosmopolitan city of Argentina she grew up. Immersed in the tangle of endless avenues and buildings blooms his love for art and architecture.

She has been a national and international architect for 30 years. Currently in Spain, where he resides.

Living near the sea and seeing it appear in every corner of the city as it travels every day, imbues its paintings with infinite blues, wich can be enjoyed in the exquisite selection that brings us in this exhibition, where this time, there is no lack the mystery.

The extraordinary light of Alicante leaves the artist facinated and transforms her monochromatic work into a constant burst of color.

Five shadows, three hidden figures, how many enigmas they ask us about their meaning? Under these dark shadows evidently something is hidden, letting the intense reds as sudden flares, flood the space creating an indefinable mystery..